
If you want to follow along and try commands on your own machine, make sure to install Kubectl, Helm and Kustomize before reading this article by using the following links:



Helm is described as a package manager for Kubernetes, the same way apt is the package manager for Ubuntu. It was originally developed by Microsoft a few years ago, but is now part of the CNCF. Since Helm is a powerful tool, its users benefit from it by quickly deploying applications in their clusters. Because Helm offers so many open-source applications as packages, there is a marketplace where one can search for services and find how to install them, right here.


One of the main reasons why Helm is so popular is that it allows one to very quickly install applications in a Kubernetes cluster with a simple command (of course, this statement varies depending on use cases). For example, here’s how to deploy prometheus-operator using Helm:

$ helm install prometheus-operator prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack


So, installing applications built by other folks is great with Helm, but what happens if one wants to deploy their own services using this tool? Well, this is where it gets a little tricky.

When using Helm, users must define a values file with key/value pairs that will then be replaced inside the templated chart. Helm is quite famous in the cloud-native world for its use of YAML templating. The latter works well when it’s already written, but writing it can be painful, since it is difficult to read. The learning curve of the Helm structure can be quite intense for a new Developer. Furthermore, to me, two questions come to mind regarding Helm usage:

  • How does one deploy to multiple environments using this tool?
  • Why bother writing templates for your own services?

To answer both of these questions, we’ll look at what Kustomize has to offer.



Now that we have talked about Helm, let’s dig into Kustomize. First off, Kustomize is a configuration management tool, as opposed to Helm which is a package management tool. Despite their differences, Kustomize and Helm share some similarities. The former was built by Google in 2018 and aims to offer template-free configuration for users to customize their Kubernetes manifests in a brilliant way.

The main goal of Kustomize is to be able to write reusable configuration files for Kubernetes. This allows users of the tool to easily deploy their configuration to multiple environments without having to rewrite their configuration files for each one of those environments. In other words, Kustomize fixes Helm’s problems – by avoiding YAML templates and deploying to multiple environments easily.


Now, let’s take a look at how Kustomize actually works. Let’s start by a quick example of a simple deployment, which would define a kustomization.yaml file like this:

kind: Kustomization

- deployment.yml
- service.yml

namespace: simple-demo

commonLabels: simple-app

  contact: '[email protected]'

We can apply this file by using either the kustomize binary or the -k flag with kubectl. I prefer using the kustomize standalone binary, since it has the latest Kustomize features, unlike kubectl. In this case, we would apply the configuration like so:

$ kustomize build . | kubectl apply -f -
$ kubectl apply -k .

In this file, many different actions are unfolding. First, it is not required to write the apiVersion and kind annotations, although some people prefer writing it. Second, the above configuration defines a few important fields: resources, namespace, commonLabels and commonAnnotations. The resources field is required, but not the others and here’s why. The resources field defines the Kubernetes configuration files to use, the namespace will set the namespace field on each one of the manifests passed to Kustomize, commonLabels will do the same thing but for the labels, and finally commonAnnotations will do the same for annotations. Therefore, it is not required to specify labels, annotations nor namespaces in Kubernetes manifests when using Kustomize, except for a special use case where it is necessary to hard-code those values in the manifests.

Upstream Kustomize Repositories

We’ve just taken a look at how to use Kustomize to deploy manifests, but what about installing third-party applications in a Kubernetes cluster? Well, this can be done by filling the resources field with a valid git URL, like in this prometheus-operator example:

kind: Kustomization


When specifying a URL like in the above example, it is good practice to specify a version of the upstream Kustomize configuration to avoid unpredictable behavior when deploying a stack. In this example, we’re referring to the v0.8.0 of kube-prometheus containing a kustomization.yaml file at the root of the repository, which is necessary when using upstreams with Kustomize. Note that the kustomization.yaml or kustomization.yml file DOES NOT have to be at the root of the repository. In fact, it can be anywhere, as long as it points to the right path in the configuration.

Deploying to multiple environments

As previously mentioned, the main goal of Kustomize is to provide reusable configuration files in a seamless way. To visualize this, let’s examine how to deploy Kubernetes manifests to multiple environments:

├── base
│   ├── deployment.yaml
│   ├── kustomization.yaml
│   └── service.yaml
└── overlays
    ├── development
    │   ├── cpu_count.yaml
    │   ├── kustomization.yaml
    │   └── replica_count.yaml
    └── production
        ├── cpu_count.yaml
        ├── kustomization.yaml
        └── replica_count.yaml

What’s important to note from this file structure is the base/, overlays/prod and overlays/development folders. All reusable configuration files between each environments are defined in the base/ folder. The interesting pattern here is that in each environment defined in the overlays/ folder, they simply refer to the base folder in their own Kustomize configuration, without having to rewrite each manifest, like so:

kind: Kustomization

- ../../base

- cpu_count.yaml
- replica_count.yaml

The above configuration reuses the base manifests and applies changes to the deployment. In this example, the cpu/replica counts vary according to their respective environment, which is why there are patches in the configuration file. The patchesStrategicMerge field allows the modification of resources in a very elegant way. For instance, the cpu_count.yaml file would probably look like this:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: my-name
    - name: my-name
          cpu: "40m"
          cpu: "20m"

Doing so makes it possible to reuse configuration files between environments and patching manifests if necessary. In this example, we used the patchesStrategicMerge field, but there is also the patchesJson6902 field that can be used for JSONPatches, depending on the use case.

We now have a good understanding of what Kustomize provides to the cloud-native ecosystem, but it offers so much more. For additional information, take a look at their documentation.

Helm + Kustomize?

Now that we’ve covered Helm and Kustomize, we might ask ourselves: what if we used both of these tools together to deploy applications? The truth is that Kustomize pairs really well with Helm. The reason we might want to use them together is because not every popular third party application offers a Kustomize upstream, although most of them offer a Helm chart. There are two ways to pair these tools:

First, using HelmChartInflationGenerator, one needs to define a file with the Helm configuration. Let’s name it helm-chart.yml, like this:

apiVersion: builtin
kind: HelmChartInflationGenerator
  name: myMap
chartName: minecraft
chartVersion: v1.2.0
helmBin: /usr/bin/helm
helmHome: /tmp/helmHome
releaseName: test
releaseNamespace: testNamespace
values: values.yaml
- --include-crds

Our kustomization.yaml file would look like this:

kind: Kustomization

- helm-chart.yml

And that’s it. We could achieve the same result by exporting the filled Helm manifests using helm template, but I personally recommend using the Kustomize plugin.


In this article, we’ve talked about Helm and Kustomize, two amazing tools that provide great features to the community. We’ve digged into both of them and have seen how to use them together to benefit from the respective features they offer. Finally, we’ve seen how using Kustomize facilitates deploying manifests to different environments.

Now, it is up to you to make up your mind on these tools and choose what suits you best. Hope I could help!

Thanks for reading and talk soon. 👋

Further Readings